Chi siamo
NextEnergy Group è un gruppo internazionale leader nel settore delle energie rinnovabili, con un focus particolare sul settore delle infrastrutture solari+.
Il nostro impegno è combinare questa missione con l’obiettivo di generare ritorni finanziari interessanti per i nostri investitori e clienti.
I nostri numeri
500+ assets
NextEnergy Group ha una presenza globale nei mercati solari+ più promettenti, dove siamo attivi in tutte le fasi della catena del valore del solare.
Oggi, il nostro team globale conta oltre 370 professionisti, operanti in nove paesi tra Europa, Americhe e India. Abbiamo una gamma eccezionalmente ampia di nazionalità: 32 in totale.
News - Starlight progresses 2GWp Alberta solar PV portfolio
Starlight is proud to announce significant progress with its Alberta renewable energy portfolio. The portfolio now totals 2GWp of solar PV and 695MW of co-located Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) across 12 projects.
News - NextEnergy Capital Achieves Top 5 Star UN PRI Rating
London, 2 December 2024 –NextEnergy Capital is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the top 5-star rating for its second consecutive year in all applicable modules of the UN PRI’s 2024 Benchmark Assessment. A five-star rating, the highest possible score, is awarded to those signatories that demonstrate leading practices within the responsible investment industry.
News - NextPower UK ESG Acquires Standalone Battery Energy Storage System
London, 28 November 2024 –NextEnergy Capital is pleased to announce that NextPower UK ESG has acquired a 29MW, two-hour duration standalone Battery Energy Storage System (“BESS”) project called ‘Rutherglen’, marking NPUK’s 13th acquisition into the NPUK, and its third acquisition in November.
News - Senior Appointments to Drive Next Wave of Growth
NextEnergy Group is pleased to announce a restructuring which strengthens its business model and bolsters its leadership and senior management team with several appointments and promotions.
News - Starlight hosts “Community Laboratory” on agrivoltaics
Starlight hosts a community laboratory to integrate agrivoltaic systems into the local landscape of Friuli. The ‘first of its kind’ in Italy On Saturday, November 16, a “Community Laboratory for Agrivoltaics” was held in Torviscosa, promoted by the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence in collaboration with Starlight and Soc. Agricola Tenuta ai Laghi with the supervision of ENEA.